Thursday, August 19, 2010

Days 13 & 14 - Madrid

Unlike the other places we have stopped there wasn't much to see in Madrid.  It is a commercial city that parties late and hard.  The two tourist attractions we have seen are below.  Unfortunately I didnt bring my camera out last night so I don't have pictures of the night life. 

The Plaza Mayor.  Nobody ever really told us what this is, but it has really odd attractions at all times of the day.  If you go at night you can see flamenco dancing but during the day you only get to see this:

The other main sight is the Palacio Real.  This is the royal palace and is steps away from an awesome cathedral. 

The Palace
The Cathedral
Like I said, the tourist attractions were severly lacking.  Fortunately Madrid's night life was very fun and the city provided one of those small world moments that I wouldn't believe in a movie:

In England we had meet a couple Australians on our city tour.  After going to lunch with them we discovered that we were staying at the same hostel.  They were awesome so we hung out each night while we were there.  We parted ways as they went to Lisbon and we went to Paris.  Fast forward to our first full day in Madrid and who do I see at the Dunkin Coffee (Donuts in the real country)?  The Australians.  After 2 stops each, no contact and a week apart we ran into them again.  Naturally we all went out together that night.

When people go out in Madrid, they don't think of going to the club until at least 2 am.  Of course this means that the clubs are open all night and you come home as the sun rises.  I don't know how/why they do it.  This also cuts the day in half, so theres no reason to have anything to see in the city.

We leave tomorrow for Barcelona.  We have been told it's like Madrid but with beaches. 

Me, because I haven't had a picture of a person in this post

1 comment:

  1. Flamenco dance!!! I missed it every time.It may be interesting...I love The Cathedral. It is really awesome...Have you visited museums in Madrid's Golden Triangle..its worth realy...location villa espagne
