Thursday, August 5, 2010

1st Day in Europe

After a Trans-Atlantic flight full of crying babies and a man with Down Syndrome signing to the whole plane, Adrian and I arrived in Dublin.  Neither of us had slept more than two hours on the flight and my only concern was coffee and food.  Unfortunately all I found was Blue Bear Stimulation Drink

The taxi got us to the city at 8:00 am and unfortunately nothing was open until 9.  We also couldn't check into the hostel so we began wandering around.  After pointing out every reason why Ireland is inferior to America we made our way past the Leprechaun Museum (below) and ate at O'Briens.  Apparently nobody drinks black coffee here as it is called Americano coffee and is made by watering down the espresso.  The last time I tasted something that awful was the American Beer at Matt's Birthday.

Anyways we saw a good deal of the city, including Trinity College (above) and had a pint of Guinness while failing to understand anything the bartender said.  I also was able to find a place to bet on tonight's Giants game since gambling is legal.  20 Euro on Lincecum tonight.  Now we are tired and sitting in the 6-bed purple hostel room. 

Me, lookin like a boss
Our friend Mickey is coming in tomorrow, should be interesting.


1 comment:

  1. We have americano coffee here too and it's made the same way they do it. Don't think you're unique just because you're in Europe being awesome and I'm in Chicago walking from Hoyne field to the Sheridan red line.

    - Colin
