Saturday, September 18, 2010

Days 43 and 44 - My 22nd Birthday in Prague and the Trip to Krakow

If you read my last post you know that I decided to go skydiving for my 22nd birthday.  Luckily I survived.  Actually it was a pretty safe experience and it makes sense because if people were dying the tour would not be around.

After a one hour car trip to the Czech countryside our group arrived at a small airport in the middle of nowhere.  We were given five minutes of instruction and then it was time to put on the jumpsuit.  There were nine of us in the group and we had to be split up into three different groups.  With a personal cameraman and tandem jumper for each of us, we could only go three at a time.  I was in the final group and before I knew it it was time to walk to the plane.

The walk to the plane with my instructor
 The plane had twin prop engines and it was a windy day so the ascent was a bit bumpy.  When your nervous already this does not steady your nerves.  All of a sudden the plane levels off, the garage door opens and it is time to jump.   

The why am I doing this face

What an awesome photo

It was a bit windy during the 200 km an hour free fall
The graceful landing
To make a long story short, skydiving was a great experience.  Unlike spelunking I was actually able to enjoy the event while it was happening.  What a great way to remember turing 22.  Thank you to my mom for making this my birthday present after the fact.  I enjoy that she waited until I was safely back on the ground to make the offer just in case something went wrong. 

On the way home I had the pleasure of seeing the largest collection of keys in the world.  Looks like I can cross two things off of the bucket list.   

Made entirely of keys
No birthday would be complete without a trip to a five story club, so that is exactly where three Canadian women and I went to celebrate the remaining portion of my birthday.  Each floor had a different type of music playing so it was constantly entertaining, especially because the Candians would not let me pay for anything.

The extremely politically incorrect name for the rap floor
One of the Canadians in the fog waterfall
 We left around 6 am and I had to be up for my train to Krakow by 8 am.  Somehow I managed to make this train although I had to sprint through the station with my backpack.

The trip here was ridiculous.  First I found a seat and set out in search of food.  Of course the place on the train where the food car was supposed to be located just was not there. I asked about the bar car and was told they just did not have one on this train.  When I returned to my seat disheartened I checked the schedule to see how long I had until Krakow.  The stop was not listed so I asked somebody working on the train which stop it was.  Apparently I was one the wrong half of the train.  Halfway through the trip they split the train in half, with the front going to Poland and the back going to Slovakia.  Uhhhhhhhhhh was all I could say back to that information.

I found a seat on the Polish side and then found out my Eurail pass is not valid in Poland.  I told the man I was going to Krakow and he sold me a ticket.  I got off at the station on the ticket only to find out I was not in Krakow.  Here I was a sleep deprived man alone in some random city in Eastern Europe.  Somehow I found a bus here and arrived a full twelve hours after I had left.

The plan is to rest up tonight and take a Krakow city tour tomorrow.


My apologies for any typos.  Today I am typing on an American keyboard set up for Polish.  For instance, when I press the letter z, y appears on the screen.  I cannot wait to use my laptop again.

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