Sunday, August 8, 2010

Days 3 - 4 The Party and the Hangover

On our third day in Ireland we headed to the Guinness Storehouse and learned about the beer-making process.  It was interesting and well worth it once the free samples and included beer was handed-out.  Apparently Arthur Guinness signed a 9000 year lease for the building so I don't think they will be kicked out anytime soon.

The 9000 Year Lease
Some Biker Guy Bombed the Picture

The only logical place to go after Guinness was the old Jameson distillery just down the road.  Luckily I was picked to be a whiskey taste-tester after the tour and received Johnnie Walker Black, Jack Daniels and Jameson for free. 

The tasting, halfway through

Part of the brewing process
I received a certificate for my vast whiskey knowledge
At this point I was feeling very good so the only natural step was to go buy more Jameson and get ready for the bar crawl.  After gratuitous consumption by Adrian, Mickey and myself, we went to the bar crawl at 7:30.  Here it was discovered that beer was free for the first half hour, proof that they didn't know I was in town.  From this point on the night was full of interesting encounters, new friends, and ridiculous times.  Just like going out in Chicago except it's still extremely funny to hear everyone's accent. 

Mickey, meeting a statue
Day 4

We all did abslutely nothing.  We watched TV in the hostel and just eating was a chore.  Hangover city.  Thank god for Irish Breakfasts.

Tomorrow morning we are heading to the ferry that will take us to Holyhead.  From there we will ride the train to England and will be there around 4:30 p.m.  Ireland has been fun, but we have done most everything Dublin has to offer.  After 4 days in England we are planning on heading to Paris, but these things change.


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